W.H.A.T.I.N. International

woman in gray hoodie beside woman in gray hoodie


“We Help Assist Those In Need”
Project Summary


1) WHATIN’s Heaven on Earth I:

Primary focus; children who are terminally ill. Heaven on Earth is a sanctuary-
like establishment, in which the children will be able to have the comfort of “fitting in”, or “being normal”. We
provide a positive, encouraging atmosphere, created specifically with them in mind, while meeting their individual

WHATIN’s Heaven on Earth II:

Primary focus; children who are disfigured or disabled, whether they were born in
that condition or resulting from a catastrophic accident. We would like to achieve the same atmosphere as in
Heaven on Earth I. The children should achieve a sense of belonging and would always feel at home, while
having a lot of fun.

WHATIN’s Heaven on Earth III:

Primary focus; inner city youth who have not been fortunate enough to enjoy the
simple pleasures of nature for example; instead of a beautiful grassy backyard they have a concrete or paved
one, and instead of being surrounded by trees they are surrounded by buildings. Our goal is to have them
experience the joys of the wonderful outdoors, the trees, lakes, mountains etc. Combined with all the activities
(described in detail later herein), they will become well rounded and truly learn the meaning of “The best of both

2) WHATIN’s Wings I:

Primary focus; abused and battered women and children. We will work with other
supporting agencies nationwide to ensure the safety of the women and or children in unsafe, abusive or
dangerous atmospheres. We will offer job training, and support groups that will assist in minimizing the chances
of getting into another harmful situation. We also various resources that will encourage them to develop strength
and a sense of independence.

3) WHATIN’s Place:

Primary focus; an innovative homeless shelter, that not only offers a place to sleep or eat,
but also offers job training, resume preparation, budget planning etc. We intend to offer them a second chance
and by trouble shooting we can find out where things went wrong the first time and correct them. We want them
to become independent while teaching them techniques on how to remain independent.

4) WHATIN’s Veterans:

Primary focus; disabled veterans who have essentially been forgotten about or just
tossed aside. These heroic individuals have lost limbs, and are often in despair. Our intention is to remind them
of their importance to our country’s freedom and allow them to live out the rest of their lives in serenity and

5) WHATIN’s Funding:

Primary focus; children diagnosed with terminal illnesses or children disabled or
disfigured whether naturally or from an accident would qualify if there is a need for financial assistance for life
saving procedures, and or reconstructive surgery. We will provide the funds for qualified families in the amounts
of 10-100% depending on the family’s needs & urgency to complete the surgery.

Heaven on Earth I, II, & III

Initially, we anticipate building 10 facilities strategically placed throughout the continental United States. The
ultimate goal is to have at least 4 or more Heaven on Earth facilities in all 50 states! Every Heaven on Earth
facility will be built on 20-40 acres, complete with a lake (whether man made or natural), nature trails, miniature
golf course etc. The diversity and specific needs of our children Heaven on Earth will be divided into two (2)
separate accommodations, there will be one (1) main building which will include the cafeteria as well as a library,
the indoor pool and gymnasium, and one sub building that would oblige each group of children’s needs.

We offer a wide variety of activities (for special needs we will accommodate as necessary) as depicted below:

Outdoor Activities: Horseback riding (including trail rides), Swimming, Fishing, Canoeing, Tennis, Hiking,
Camping, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Playground (complete with jungle gym, swings, slides, etc.),
Arts & Crafts, Boating, Soccer, and Nature trails (hiking).

Indoor Activities: Story time, Bible Study (optional), Movies (G through PG-13), Computers with internet access,
Video Games, Arcade Games, Board Games, Tutoring, Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Performing Arts (dance,
drama, talent shows etc), Library, Theater, Play Room (with a wide variety of toys), Ping Pong Table, Pool Table,
Air Hockey, Foosball Table, and even an Indoor Miniature Golf Course.

The initial attendance goal is 50 children per year, per I, II, & III or a total of 150 children per Heaven on Earth
facility. That’s 750 children per year, per location, that will be able to benefit from the Heaven on Earth

Annual Schedule: Heaven on Earth will be operating during the months of April through October, while officially
open for the children in May.

Heaven on Earth I: As previously mentioned, Heaven on Earth I is a place for children with terminal illnesses or
diseases are able to come and enjoy their lives. We offer an abundance of activities both indoors and outdoors
to keep them occupied and having a lot of fun. They will be able to watch or participate in plays, talent shows,
also if their illness permits; physical activities such as swimming, horseback riding, and various sports etc.
Children registered with Heaven on Earth I are eligible to apply for one or both of our funding programs
described later in this prospectus.

Heaven on Earth II: We all know some children are born with certain defects or handicaps; others are the
unfortunate victims of catastrophic accidents. We want to provide a warm, loving, accepting atmosphere, where
they can have a whole bunch of fun. During the summer months we will have an overnight camp for children
aged 7 through 13. Children registered with Heaven on Earth II are also eligible to apply for our funding

Heaven on Earth III: This program is designed to help inner-city youth or underprivileged children to enjoy the
beauty and diversity only mother-nature can offer. The variety of children would range from children with
concrete or paved backyards, to children living in low income housing. The primary goal here is to take children
who would otherwise never know what it is like to go fishing, camping, boating, etc. to experience the little things
a lot of people take for granted. We would also be giving them something different to look forward to, like a
brighter future.

“Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are
like these children.” Matthew 19:14
The Holy Bible : New Century Version

WHATIN’s Wings

WHATIN’s Wings I is inspired by and dedicated to the memories of women and children who have died at the
hands of an abusive spouse or parent. While we know we can’t help everyone, as we can only help those who
come to us in confidence, our goal is to change those lives for the better.

We are providing a “safe house” program in cooperation with existing shelters nationwide, for women and
children in dangerous situations no matter if it is the first time or one hundredth time abuse has occurred in their
home. All women and children are welcome to come to us in confidence and they will remain anonymous at all
times. We will work with local organizations to ensure their safety as well start the beginning of a brand new
abuse-free life.

Most of these victims feel there is no escape, no where to turn. We want them to know that we understand the
law does not always make them feel safe. In such cases when releasing abusers in short periods only making
them angrier and not rehabilitated, so they return with a vengeance. We will do everything in our power to
ensure their safety, and help them develop a genuine sense of security and independence.

Many times these women enter into a relationship and do not even realize the severity of the situation until it is
too late. Our motto “One time is too many!”.

WHATIN’s Angels will offer the following resources:

1) Anonymity
2) Support groups
3) Relocation assistance
4) Job training
5) Resume preparation

Home is where the heart is, the heart is the key to happiness, and how can one possibly be happy if one feels
unsafe, afraid, or insecure? There is so much more to an abusive household than a beaten and battered wife,
as it affects the entire family especially the children to a dramatic extreme.

We know by combining our program, with various resources and shelters we will be able to help these victims in
distress and guide them down a more fruitful and spiritually prosperous path.

28 So (also) husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

29 For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church,

30 because we are members of his body.” Ephesians 5:28-30

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic
Bishops, & United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board. (1996, c1986). The New American Bible :
Translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources and the revised New Testament
(Eph 5:28). Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.


WHATIN’s Place was designed with the homeless in mind; men, women, children and or families. Most
homeless shelters are just that a place to sleep and if the homeless are lucky they also provide food, but most
will refer them to a soup kitchen or something of the sort. The routine is usually the same though, come in after
6:00 PM and leave by 6-8:00AM. This system is only a temporary remedy, not a long term solution.

Our innovative mission is to take homeless shelters as we know them today and transform them from the limited
facilities they are, to a place of sincerity, hope, and revitalization. We want to provide the homeless with a new
name and that is a resident. A resident that will receive the proper tools and skills they can utilize not only in the
present but also in the future.

What would happen if a homeless shelter offered much more than a place to sleep and a possible meal? We
would have a group of lost and hopeless individuals that would finally feel like a part of society. That is where
WHATIN’s Place comes in.

WHATIN’s Place is going to do just that; our plan is to offer what most homeless shelters don’t such as:

1) An opportunity to have a residential address
2) Resume preparation
3) Job placement
4) Budget planning
5) Support groups
6) Independent living programs
7) Credit reparation (if applicable) and much more.

We want to reshape and mold our residents to become and remain in the working class part of society. Most of
them have lost hope, self-esteem, and even their families, although we can’t give them everything they have lost,
we can give them a new beginning.

We will work closely with the local unemployment offices to assist with job placement, and job training.
Our independent living program offers our working residents an apartment like setting (ranging from studios to 2
& 3 bedrooms). Combined with our many other services they will comfortably regain their independence, and
become once again an important part of society.

WHATIN’s Veterans

WHATIN’s Veterans is a program designed exclusively for our disabled veterans who have not been able to
afford the proper care for their disabilities. In many cases they are homeless, forgotten souls in despair. Our
goal is to remind them they are not forgotten, but important to the freedoms we have today. We want to honor
them, and help them live the rest of their lives with dignity and a sense of purpose.

Can you imagine how you would feel if you went off, fought a war, saw your closest friends lose their lives right
next to you, and then lose a limb or two of your own? Those are the issues that directly inspired our WHATIN’s
Veterans program. We also asked “How would we like to be treated if we were in their shoes?” The answer is
simple; get a second chance to a happy, productive, and fruitful life.

It is admirable enough when someone goes off to war to fight for our country’s freedom. They are heroes and
deserve to be treated as such, because without these brave individuals, this country would not be the super-
power it is today.

We firmly believe in honoring our country’s finest and what better way to do that than not only favoring those who
lost their lives but upholding the value of the survivors. We want to provide an atmosphere that embraces the
memories of the deceased and instill to the living the importance of their role in the past, present and the future.

The Center: We will either purchase or construct an apartment complex, in a lovely country setting with 50 –
100+ units. All units will be wheel chair accessible, have all appliances complete with a washer and dryer, and
multi- level units will have an elevator. We will provide such amenities as indoor and outdoor pools, a recreation
center, a library, a movie library, a tennis court, and a golf course.

We will also provide meals for those who are unable to cook for themselves or if they just want to be pampered.
We will offer support group meetings on a weekly basis held in the recreation center. Any additional needs such
as assistance with basic living we will provide housekeeping, shopping services, etc.

Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the
city, and bring in here the poor and the 6maimed and the lame and the blind.” Luke 14:21 (footnote below)
6 crippled

The New King James Version. 1996, c1982 (Lk 14:21). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

WHATIN’s Funding

WHATIN’s Funding is a wonderful and unique program that will allot a total of $20,000,000.00++ USD annually to
various specialty hospitals around the world and across the country, for the purpose as depicted below:

Children with terminal illnesses and disfigurements are the inspiration of the first funding program. As we
know, in some cases a donor is needed to save their life, or severe reconstructive surgery is required, but we
also know that these operations can be quite costly, some families have to put their houses up for sale, others
just plain don’t have any assets to put up. We are here to help. Again we know we can’t help everyone, but we
are hoping to make certain stressful situations. There are income guidelines that must be met. To qualify for the
reconstructive surgery assistance, the child must have a correctable disfigurement that will not endanger his/her
life, whether natural or due to an accident. For qualification purposes we take into consideration, the size of the
family, the family’s total net income, the cost of the operation, and the severity of the operation. Since we are on
a budget we know we would only be able to help a few families per year. We are hoping to increase the initial
amount in the future, but for now we will be able to provide for some and that is fulfilling.

Children are our most precious gifts and we cherish them in every way. There is nothing more important than a
happy child, because happy children become happy adults. Remember the ones whose diapers we changed
once, may one day be changing ours, and running our country. So we think it is imperative to keep them vibrant,
healthy, and full of love.

He gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets the prisoners free. 8 The Lord gives sight to the blind. The Lord lifts
up people who are in trouble. The Lord loves those who do right. 9 The Lord protects the foreigners. He
defends the orphans and widows, but he blocks the way of the wicked.” Psalm 146:7-9
The Holy Bible : New Century Version , containing the Old and New Testaments. 1991 (Ps 146:7). Dallas, TX:
Word Bibles.

Contact us at whatin@wakeupministries.us

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